Offices adaptation to Covid-19

When it comes to facing an office adaptation to Covid-19, it is best to have expert professionals such as Garrods.

Garrods is your best ally in any real estate, business or corporate operation. Having a team of professionals like ours with long experience is the guarantee that things will turn out well and the results will be as expected.

Little by little, we are returning to normality or, as some say, to the new normality. After weeks under the confinement measures and restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the activities are recovering and, with this recovery, the offices will also see how the offices fill up again to resume work.

After a confinement that for many is becoming eternal, returning to the office seems almost like that return to school full of desire and joy. And, just as years ago we had to prepare our backpacks and have our summer duties well done, now, to return to the office, it will also be necessary to contemplate that, for the moment, nothing will be exactly as before.

It is necessary to prepare so that the offices become a safe space for all, and certain measures will have to be taken to make it possible. In this sense, some things that must be known and established take on special importance:

Safety distance: essential

It has ended up having the compañeros and compañeras within two inches of the nose. If before the pandemic there were already many companies that were betting on spaces that would allow a certain distance between tables or computers for the sake of comfort and the humanization of space, this will now be essential.

Thus, the two-meter separation rule will continue in force and mandatory, both when designing spaces for colleagues, as well as for receiving visits, meetings or any other case.

Only in the case that a safety distance of two meters cannot be guaranteed is when we should consider installing partitions or another type of physical separation. Although much better than having to install partitions, with the consequent expense and alteration of our office (in many cases unsightly) we must consider other options such as telecommuting for part of the staff.

Effective communications network

Any office center must have a good internal communication network. Now, when the distances will be greater and the possibility of establishing close conversations will become more complicated, having the appropriate communication protocols will be essential. And not only internally. Also externally this will be absolutely necessary. From communication with colleagues who telework, to the possibility of conducting effective telematic conferences or meetings and in a friendly environment, ICT will be more important than ever.

When it comes to facing an office adaptation to Covid-19, it is best to have expert professionals such as Garrods.

Health and safety plans

Any space for group work must have a health and safety plan implemented. Now, in order to resume activity when the pandemic is not completely overcome, this is more necessary than ever. Every detail has to be taken very seriously to turn any office into a safe space where health is not put at risk.

Specialized teams

In order to regain a certain normality with safety, taking into account the basic measures indicated, specialized teams in different fields and with a multidisciplinary nature will be necessary. Some areas in which experts will be needed for concrete plans are:

  • Management of recovery management
  • Workplace strategies
  • Environmental Safety and Health in the office
  • Adequacy of facilities and buildings
  • Computing and communications
  • Legal
  • Security and crisis management
  • And more. In the part of services all those that we mention and others that are part of those important for companies appear.

Here at Garrods we are well aware that offices must be safe, technologically efficient, humane, comfortable and friendly workspaces. And not only do we have an extensive office real estate park prepared to cover all needs, but we will also help you implement all the necessary health and safety measures to facilitate a perfect return to the office.

This post is also available in: Español Català

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Offices adaptation to Covid-19
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