Rent wellness offices in Barcelona

We are Garrods, specialists in office rental in Barcelona and we want to talk to you about the concept of wellness offices. As a company specialized in office rental in Barcelona, ​​we like to think that, like us, companies are committed to putting the health of people and workers ahead of other priorities.

The wellness offices come to respond to that need to take care of the health of a company’s main asset, its human resources.

The fundamental role that the physical workplace must play in our health and well-being is a reality to which neither owners nor occupants of offices and office buildings should remain unaware.

Understanding and responding to this new paradigm is an immediate challenge.

Rent wellness offices in Barcelona

If the BREEAM and LEED certifications focus mainly on the relationship between buildings and the environment, through a series of procedures that seek to minimize the building’s environmental footprint and its future sustainability; WELL certification distinguishes those offices designed and developed with the well-being and health of employees and visitors in mind.

Caring for health is profitable

Labor cost is one of the most determining factors for companies. Promote a well-being at work, a comfortable and healthy environment in the offices, reverts to an increase in productivity and involvement of workers and a minimization of absenteeism.

Attracting and retaining both talent and return on investment and sector leadership are other advantages of betting on locating your offices in a healthy, well-oriented, well-lit space with open spaces, good ventilation and well-designed to achieve comfort and convenience for company collaborators.

Investing on a ‘healthy office’ brings big return of the investment

Other advantages that are achieved are improved performance, involvement with identity and brand values ​​(feeling of belonging to the organization), job satisfaction or promoting synergies and teamwork. Everything is competitive advantages and profitability.

Garrods Real Estate’s Corporate Architecture team manages and plans comprehensively work areas, design and construction projects for offices and offices, corporate headquarters and buildings that are committed to moving from awareness to action, that are committed to new times work, so that your office is a wellness office.

#wellness offices for rent in Barcelona

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Rent wellness offices in Barcelona
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